In this article, I create a community board project using HTMX on the client, Express on the server and Handlebars for server-side templating. · Step 1....
Bun has a built-in web server. However, handling requests with that web server is very rudimentary. So, I wanted to to create a simpler file-based...
I had this cool idea to show the currently focused application on my system (i use gnome on ubuntu btw) as part of my GitHub status. Implementation I...
I found a phishing filter (here) which can be used in content blockers (as well as adblockers) like uBlock Origin. I wanted to analyze the phishing...
A paper from Stanford & Berkeley University being spread around as proof that “GPT-4 is getting dumber” makes no sense. Here’s the study: “How Is...
I posted a link to my repo regarding AI context lengths to Hacker News under the Show HN category and wanted to see its position in the listing every...